It's been a privilege to be part of the fit out for such an awesome brew pub. To give a consistent feel, we supplied Blackbutt and Spotted Gum timbers salvaged from the Q Store Woolstores demolitions for the bar tops, tables, floor and cladding for ceiling & front door.
The Q Store Woolstores were part of the WW2 wool stockpile where the Australian Wool Corporation built 168 huge sheds along the canal in Alexandria in Sydney to store wool to sell when trade improved after the war. We recycled a huge amount of timber from these buildings.
BentSpoke had a pre-opening night for the tradies involved, and we had a great evening trying the beer and cider brewed on the premises. Our personal favourite was the Dick Tracy Brown Ale! Always worth a visit for their unique, amazing beers and they do a pretty good feed as well.
TIMBER SPECIES Blackbutt & Spotted Gum from the Q Store roof trusses.
SOURCED FROM Q Store Woolstores Alexandria NSW
FINISH Rustic Checking
SIZE 42mm thick
Head to the Bench Tops page to learn more, or contact us to enquire.

TIMBER SPECIES Recycled Blackbutt / Dense Browns
SOURCING Q Store Woolstores Alexandria NSW - machined from the old straight edge Q Store floor boards.
FINISH Sawtooth
SIZE 80mm wide x 20mm thick
Head to the Re-Milled Flooring page to learn more, or contact us to enquire.

Used on the ceiling and front door.
TIMBER SPECIES Recycled Blackbutt / Dense Browns
SOURCING Milled from old roof timbers from Sydney house demolitions
FINISH Sawtooth
SIZE 80mm wide x 14mm thick for the front door. 85mm wide x 19mm thick for the ceiling cladding
Head to the Cladding page to learn more, or contact us to enquire.