Spotted Gum
Spotted gum has a lot of variation in colour and grain, and is perfect for benchtops and furniture. It's fairly rare in demolition timbers, and we salvage it from houses, factories and buildings in NSW and QLD, and sometimes telegraph and power poles too.

[Spotted gum post]
RECYCLED FROM Houses, factories and buildings in NSW and QLD. It was also used for telegraph and power poles.
TIMBER KNOWLEDGE Spotted gum came from the east coast forests from the Victoria / NSW border up to Maryborough in QLD. Spotted gum has a lot of variation in colour and grain, from a greeny brown to a chocolate brown and even to a red brown. You can expect to enjoy a lot of interesting grain and fiddleback.
Spotted gum: Corymbia maculata, Corymbia citriodora
USES Spotted gum is fairly rare in demolition timbers and anything we can find that is nice and dry (from the internal structure of old buildings) we save to make bench tops and furniture. Occasionally we get enough of it to make runs of flooring, but not too often.
It is more common in old round telegraph and power poles and we re-saw these into solid square posts for pergolas and decks.
NATURAL DURABILITY (approximate rating for the expected life of untreated and unfinished timbers exposed to the weather)
In Ground: Class 2 (15-25 years) Above Ground: Class 1 ( >40 years)
HARDNESS 11 kN (Janka scale)
DRY WEIGHT 950kg / cubic metre